toe care after nail removal

An ingrown toenail can be permanently corrected with a procedure called a chemical matrixectomy. This procedure involves removing either a portion of the nail that is ingrown or the entire toenail in certain cases.

To perform this procedure, we will first numb the toe with a local anesthetic. The necessary portion of nail is then carefully removed and a chemical called phenol will be applied to the root to prevent the ingrown toenail from returning. This is a simple procedure that we can perform in the office. There is very little pain after this procedure and most people can resume regular activities the following day.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery - Toe Care After Nail Removal

Stay off of your feet as much as possible today. You may wear any shoe, sandal or open toe footwear that does not squeeze, constrict or put pressure on your toe(s). Your toe(s) may remain numb for 6-10 hours or longer after the procedure. Slight bleeding, discoloration and drainage is normal and expected with this procedure.

Ingrowing Toe Nail Removal

Discomfort: You may elevate your foot to help reduce minor swelling and discomfort. You may also take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed. If the pain or discomfort is not controlled adequately, then contact our office.

Removing the Surgical Bandage: Starting the day after surgery, carefully remove the dressing and shower or bathe as normal. To make the bandage easier to remove, it may be helpful to soak your foot in warm water for 5-10 minutes before removal.

Changing the dressing: It will be necessary to change the dressing once or twice a day during the healing period. You will need to use an over-the-counter triple antibiotic to cover the area of removal to help the healing process.

Nail Surgery For Painful & Ingrowing Toenails

What to expect during healing: Redness, swelling and drainage is normal following this procedure. If a nail border was removed, it generally takes 2-4 weeks for the drainage to stop. If the entire nail was removed, it generally takes 6-8 weeks for the drainage to stop. Your doctor will give you additional information and instructions at your follow-up appointment.Ingrown toenails are common and usually treatable without surgery. However, in severe cases, people may need a small medical procedure to treat an ingrown toenail.

If they notice them at an early stage, people can treat ingrown nails at home. However, in severe cases — especially when the nail has become infected — people may need to see a doctor for advice, antibiotics, or a surgical procedure.

In this article, we explain when a person needs surgery for an ingrown toenail and discuss the procedure, recovery time, and risks.

Gel Toe Removal Nail Feet Care Whitening Nail Personal Skin Care Personal Skin Care

Ingrown toenail surgery is usually an outpatient procedure that involves the use of local anesthesia. Local anesthesia means that the person remains awake, but the doctor numbs the area so that the person cannot feel their toe.

Some doctors offer a sedative or twilight anesthesia during the surgery. With twilight anesthesia, the person remains awake but groggy, and they may not remember the procedure.

If a person prefers general anesthesia, the surgery may take longer and require more preparation. With general anesthesia, the individual will be unconscious, making it a good option for people who are very anxious about surgery.

How Does Your Nail Look After Ingrown Toenail Surgery? - Toe Care After Nail Removal

Toe Nail Removal Images, Stock Photos & Vectors

Several surgical procedures can treat an ingrown toenail. An orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist can offer advice on the best option, but a person should be sure to make them aware of relevant health issues, including any prior history of ingrown toenails.

This painful condition happens when the toenail grows down into the skin. It most commonly affects the big toe, with the corner of the nail growing into the nail bed. In most cases, it occurs due to tight fitting footwear or improper trimming of the nails.

People can often treat ingrown toenails at home by wearing sandals to avoid putting pressure on the toe, soaking the toe in warm water, and keeping the area clean to help it heal on its own.

Ingrown Toenail Causes, Remedies And Treatment

However, if there are signs of infection, a person should see a doctor rather than trying to treat the nail at home. People should also seek medical care for an ingrown nail if they have a health condition — such as diabetes, nerve damage, or poor circulation — that makes home treatment risky.

Ingrown toenails irritate the skin. As a result, they can make it easier for bacteria and other microbes to get in, which increases the risk of infection. Promptly treating an ingrown toenail reduces this risk. Some signs of infection include:

Surgical Treatment Of Ingrown Toenails - Toe Care After Nail Removal

If the toenail is very swollen or inflamed, or it does not get better after a few days, a doctor may diagnose an infection and prescribe antibiotics. They might

Ingrown Toenail After Surgery Stock Photo By ©adam88xxx 29944105

A special splint to prevent the toenail from growing deeper into the skin. If the toe still does not heal, a doctor may recommend surgery.

For most people, the wound will heal within several weeks. The pain will steadily lessen in the days following surgery and should have gone by the time the wound heals. It can take several months for the nail to regrow, but the length of time will vary from person to person.

Minor complications are common following nail surgery, though serious complications are rare. However, an untreated ingrown toenail carries a much higher risk of complications than nail removal.

When Does An Ingrown Toenail Require A Visit To The Podiatrist?: Arizona Foot & Ankle Specialists

People should discuss the benefits and risks of surgery with their doctor, who will take into account their particular risk factors. People with a history of anesthesia complications and those with weakened immune systems may be more vulnerable to complications.

Ingrown Toenail Treatments - Toe Care After Nail Removal

Ingrown toenails can be painful, but with proper home or medical treatment, they are rarely serious. Surgery presents some risks, but it can alleviate the chronic pain of an ingrown toenail.

People with ingrown toenails should discuss their treatment options with a skilled, experienced podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon. Excellent medical care and diligent home management can reduce the risk of complications following surgery and increase the likelihood of a full recovery with the regrowth of a healthy nail.

Minimal Incision Toe Bone Spur Removal

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